Tag: Advent

5 Ways to Prep Your Family for the Busy Holiday Season

By Minno

As the calendar flips from fall to the holidays, anticipation may start to fill your home and heart—but not necessarily the good kind! While Thanksgiving and Christmas mean celebrations and big family meals, adorable school plays, and (maybe too) many sweets, they can also bring complicated relational dynamics, overstimulation, greed, and the trap of comparison.  […]

Who and Where is Emmanuel in the Bible?

By Jessica Wolstenholm

Who is Emmanuel in the Bible? We hear a lot about “Emmanuel” at Christmas, but who is Emmanuel? The word Emmanuel appears 4 times in the Bible—three times in Isaiah and once in Matthew. Emmanuel means “God with us” and is a name for Jesus. The Meaning of the Word, “Emmanuel” The word “Emmanuel” comes […]

The Stories Behind Popular Christmas Carols

Portable DVD Player - DVD Player

By Jessica Wolstenholm

Can you imagine a world without Christmas? What about Christmas without carols? At one time in America, that’s exactly what happened. In the 1600s, some influential Christians didn’t like how “commercial” Christmas had become, so the colony in Massachusetts banned celebrating the holiday, and that ban lasted for over twenty years. [1] It’s hard to […]

A Fresh Perspective on Advent

Christmas Day - Advent

By Erick Goss

Think about five words for a moment: Hope. Peace. Joy. Love. Surrender. “Well, Erick,” you might say, “Aren’t we all experts at surrender right now? It is 2020 after all.” True. We have all surrendered a lot this year. Sometimes, we welcome the opportunity for a change of pace. But most likely, you have dug […]

The History of Christmas

By Melanie Rainer

What is the history of Christmas? Did you know that Christmas didn’t become an official holiday in the United States until 1870? And you may have noticed that nowhere in the Bible is a festival of Christ’s birth celebrated. It was several hundred years after Jesus’s death that the Church created a “Feast of the […]

What is Advent?

Advent - Christmas Day

By Editorial Team

Many families are familiar with Advent Christmas countdowns as made popular by adorable daily calendars flooding our Pinterest feeds throughout the fall. But Advent has been observed for centuries, long before treat-filled houses with numbered doors or chocolate and toy companies offered a way for kids to count the days of December in anticipation of […]