Tag: Prayer

5 End of the School Year Prayers for Your Child’s Teacher

Minno - Family

By Jennifer Thorson

Summer is coming soon, and if your children are school-age, thoughts quickly turn to vacation and carefree days! How often at this time of year do we think of our children’s teachers? This year has been full of ups, downs, chaos, and change. Teachers have served on the front lines of pivoting and innovating. So […]

A Hope-Filled Mother’s Day Prayer

By Editorial Team

A Mother’s Prayer Written by Katie Blackburn Heavenly Father, How amazing it is to remember that Your plan for motherhood has always been good. Before You spoke the world into motion, before the day was separated from the night and the land distinguished from the ocean, as You breathed life into man, You knew that […]

How to Develop a More Consistent Family Prayer Life This Year

Family - Meal

By Jessica Wolstenholm

I can remember a time when prayer felt transactional to me. Although I’d been praying since before I could read, even as an adult, prayer often felt like a one-way conversation in which I asked God for this or that and then waited to see how He would respond. And then I walked through a […]

5 Family Prayers for the New Year

Father's Day - Father

By Editorial Team

For many of us, the New Year is a time for setting goals and making resolutions. Especially this year, as we flip the calendar on another challenging season, the new year can feel like a fresh start—365 blank pages just waiting to be written. No matter what happened in 2021, we can move forward to […]

A Family Liturgy for Lent in a Pandemic

Revelry Church - Praying Hands

By Melanie Rainer

Lent and Easter in a global pandemic? We’ve been here before . . . a year ago. It all seemed so new and scary last year. This year, we’ve settled into a new way of living: pandemic life. We’re “pandemic fine.” Young kids may barely remember life “before,” and kids who do remember are dealing […]

Spiritual Practices for Kids: Prayer

Family - Parenting

By Melanie Rainer

Spiritual disciplines are inward and outward practices, rooted in Scripture and tradition, that draw us closer to God. They are disciplines, practices that require work and repetition, that we grow more comfortable with and better at the more we do them. And they are a critical part of the Christian life, helping us to mature […]

When You Don’t Know What to Do or Say . . . Pray

Photograph - Stock photography

By Jessica Wolstenholm

This has been a hard week for the world. When things get hard and ugly outside the walls of our homes, it is a natural reaction to hide our heads under the covers and pretend everything is okay despite the groans of the world around us. Life can be uncomfortable and overwhelming and oftentimes we […]

A Family Prayer for 2021

Interior Design Services - Minno

By Jessica Wolstenholm

Dear Father, As we close out 2020— the hardest or at least, most odd year we’ve ever had, we thank You for seeing us through it. We have no idea what 2021 is going to look like— yet we trust You will guide us to move forward with peace. No matter what is behind us […]