Tag: Spiritual Practices

Spiritual Practices for Kids: Worship

Minno - Family

By Melanie Rainer

Spiritual practices are inward and outward expressions of faith, rooted in Scripture and tradition, that draw us closer to God. They are disciplines, practices that require work and repetition, that we grow more comfortable with and better at the more we do them. And they are a critical part of the Christian life, helping us […]

Spiritual Practices for Kids: Prayer

Family - Parenting

By Melanie Rainer

Spiritual disciplines are inward and outward practices, rooted in Scripture and tradition, that draw us closer to God. They are disciplines, practices that require work and repetition, that we grow more comfortable with and better at the more we do them. And they are a critical part of the Christian life, helping us to mature […]

Spiritual Practices for Kids: Sabbath

Sitting - GreenFiber

By Melanie Rainer

Spiritual practices are inward and outward expressions of faith, rooted in Scripture and tradition, that draw us closer to God. They are disciplines; practices that require work and repetition, that we grow more comfortable with and better at the more we do them. And they are a critical part of the Christian life, helping us […]

Spiritual Practices for Kids: Bible Reading

Spiritual practice - Family

By Melanie Rainer

Spiritual disciplines are inward and outward practices, rooted in Scripture and tradition, that draw us closer to God. They are disciplines, practices that require work and repetition, that we grow more comfortable with and better at the more we do them. And they are a critical part of the Christian life, helping us to mature […]

3 Tips for Teaching Your Children About Communion

Sacramental bread - Bread

By Jessica Wolstenholm

As Christians, communion is a very meaningful and sacred part of our relationship with Jesus. The symbolism we find in taking Holy Communion is something that we need to begin teaching (and showing) our children from the time they are young until the day we depart to be with the Lord. Today I am sharing […]