Tag: School Year

How to Reset Your Family Rhythm After Summer

Family - Parenting

By Editorial Team

As the carefree days of summer wind down, our family looks forward to creating a new family rhythm. It’s a tradition of sorts. One that consists of setting new schedules and boundaries as the children grow and mature. A chance to have some “do-overs” and make new memories. During this annual reset, God always gives […]

5 End of the School Year Prayers for Your Child’s Teacher

Minno - Family

By Jennifer Thorson

Summer is coming soon, and if your children are school-age, thoughts quickly turn to vacation and carefree days! How often at this time of year do we think of our children’s teachers? This year has been full of ups, downs, chaos, and change. Teachers have served on the front lines of pivoting and innovating. So […]

3 Powerful Reminders to Help Parents Manage this School Year

Minno - Parenting

By Stephanie Thomas

How are you doing these days? Okay, that was a loaded question.  Here we are in September, facing the most unprecedented school year of all time, and I’m asking how you’re doing. Feel free to scream, cry, or laugh in response. You won’t be alone.  The majority of parents I talk to are overwhelmed. When […]

Free Zoom Backgrounds for Kids from Minno

Teacher - Homeschooling

By Editorial Team

Our kids are showing real strength and resiliency as they return to learn this school year with so many unknowns ahead of them. We know this season will be full of learning curves and maybe some tears and frustration as you find your groove in this new normal. We want to help your kids have […]

5 Ways to Avoid PTO Mom Pressure

Product design - Product

By Editorial Team

This summer I joined the PTO (Parent Teacher Organization) at my kids’ school. I figured with my youngest entering kindergarten I’d have plenty of “free time” on my hands. I loved the idea of becoming more involved in our school community and getting to know other moms. I embraced the fact that so much goes […]