Tag: Motherhood

Dear Tired Mama, It’s Time to Relax and Enjoy Christmas

Sock - Christmas Day

By Jessica Wolstenholm

Dear Tired Mama, You’ve decked the halls and braved the malls . . . you’ve counted down with Bible verses and magical moments . . . you’ve planned and prepped and perhaps even packed the car with more stuff than anyone should need for 5 days with family a few states away. Maybe you still need […]

A Hope-Filled Mother’s Day Prayer

By Editorial Team

A Mother’s Prayer Written by Katie Blackburn Heavenly Father, How amazing it is to remember that Your plan for motherhood has always been good. Before You spoke the world into motion, before the day was separated from the night and the land distinguished from the ocean, as You breathed life into man, You knew that […]

Finding the Courage to Move in Motherhood

By Jessica Wolstenholm

I have this odd hang-up about being in control. It doesn’t always show up in my everyday life but it affects my ability to do things like snow skiing, roller skating, even bike riding. I simply can’t allow an object connected to my body have control over my movement. It’s completely unnerving to think that […]

5 Meditations on the Character of God for Weary Moms

Mother's Day - Parent

By Jessica Wolstenholm

Becoming a mother was a beautiful, magical time for me, but being a mom – day in and day out – is all kinds of messy. Who I wanted to be and the reality of who I actually am are two different ends of the spectrum. Nearly 8 years into this journey and I still mourn the picture of […]

5 Ways to Avoid PTO Mom Pressure

Product design - Product

By Editorial Team

This summer I joined the PTO (Parent Teacher Organization) at my kids’ school. I figured with my youngest entering kindergarten I’d have plenty of “free time” on my hands. I loved the idea of becoming more involved in our school community and getting to know other moms. I embraced the fact that so much goes […]

3 Morning Prayers for Moms

Minno - Parent

By Jessica Wolstenholm

Every morning at approximately 7:18 am I usher my pajama-clad daughter back into the house after a short walk from the neighborhood bus stop, baby boy on my hip, and close the door behind us. I breathe out a sigh, as if that with that exhaled air I can also exhale all of my worries […]

5 Lessons from My Stay-at-Home Summer

Photograph - Getty Images

By Jessica Wolstenholm

This past summer I hit pause on my life. The world was spinning and moving so fast that I couldn’t catch a breath. I felt like I was on a crazy train and the only way off was to take a leap of faith – having no idea where I would land. I’d been in […]