Category: Seasonal

One Word For Kids: New Year, New Growth Goal

One Word for Kids

By Jessica Wolstenholm

I’ve never been much of a resolutions person. The few times I tried to start the year with specific promises to myself, I came up short by Valentine’s Day. In the past few years, though, I’ve found great success in goal-setting each month in small doses and choosing one word as a theme or banner […]

Creative Ideas to Serve Others as a Family this Fall

Parent - Family

By Minno

Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. – 1 Peter 4:10 (NIV) The Fuller Youth Institute has performed extensive research on what makes faith “stick” for children as they grow into young adults. Their findings include the importance of […]

How to Reset Your Family Rhythm After Summer

Family - Parenting

By Editorial Team

As the carefree days of summer wind down, our family looks forward to creating a new family rhythm. It’s a tradition of sorts. One that consists of setting new schedules and boundaries as the children grow and mature. A chance to have some “do-overs” and make new memories. During this annual reset, God always gives […]

10 Back to School Bible Verses (with Printable!)

Minno - Parenting

By Melanie Rainer

Read and memorize these back-to-school Bible verses together with your kids to send them back with God’s Word in their hearts this year. Download your free printable below! Starting a new school year often comes with uncertainty and anxiety for kids and parents. No matter the circumstances surrounding your return back to school, you can find […]

Back to School Routines that Serve the Whole Family

By Stephanie Thomas

Confession: I’ve got the back-to-school blues.  With the big day looming in the not-so-distant future, all I can think is:  “Summer’s over already?”  And yeah, I’m feeling all the feels with my little one starting kindergarten. I’ll miss heading out on adventures with him and his older brother. But also? I’m dreading the alarm clock.  […]

How to Create a Minno Summer Playlist for Your Kids

By Jessica Wolstenholm

Looking for laid-back, rainy day, or road trip activities for your family? Here’s how to create a summer playlist for kids on Minno. Summer is here! School is out (or almost!) and while the sunshine, swimming pool, and other adventures await you outdoors, everyone needs a plan for rainy days, quiet time, and those moments […]

5 End of the School Year Prayers for Your Child’s Teacher

Minno - Family

By Jennifer Thorson

Summer is coming soon, and if your children are school-age, thoughts quickly turn to vacation and carefree days! How often at this time of year do we think of our children’s teachers? This year has been full of ups, downs, chaos, and change. Teachers have served on the front lines of pivoting and innovating. So […]

10 Kid-Led Ways to Celebrate Mom this Mother’s Day 

By Melanie Norman

A lavish bouquet of flowers, brunch reservations, candy, and gift baskets . . . These are typically the things people associate with gift-giving on Mother’s Day. You don’t necessarily need material items to make Mother’s Day special this year. As a mom myself, I can attest to the fact that spending time with my children […]