Category: Kids + Parenting

6 Ways to Teach Your Kids to be Kind

Parent - Child development

By Jessica Wolstenholm

“Be kind to each other!” “Are you being kind?!” “Make sure you choose kindness with each other!!”   I think I say those words to my kids, or very similar combinations of those words, somewhere in the ballpark of forty thousand times per day. I think the reason I have to remind my kids so […]

4 Tips for Helping Busy Dads Connect with Their Kids

Parent - Father

By Jessica Wolstenholm

I love my job. I am the “Family Guy” at New Life Christian Church in Northern Virginia. I oversee the Children and Youth Ministries with direct involvement with the youth program. I am also a father of 4 beautiful young girls. Growing up as a member of a 4 boy family, I never had the […]

How to Talk to Your Kids About Food Allergies and Inclusion

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By Jessica Wolstenholm

If you aren’t the parent of a child who has severe food allergies, you may be wondering what this topic has to do with anything Biblical. The fact is that many parents spend a huge amount of time protecting their children from the hidden dangers that seemingly harmless food items can cause. Reading every label, […]

7 Life Lessons Kids Learn from Sports

Infant - Faith

By Jessica Wolstenholm

I’m not sure when it all started, but it seems every season of the year has a sports obsession attached to it: From the World Series to the Super Bowl…from the World Cup to the Olympics (easily our favorite, even if only every four years.) There is a sport for everyone, even those drawn to […]

7 Faith-Building Playtime Conversation Starters

Dressing gown - Gown

By Editorial Team

If our goal is to cultivate a culture of faith in our homes, it’s important to weave faith-building into every area of our family interaction. This is a habit that when practiced, will become like second nature, empowering us to engage our children in conversations that matter when we least expect it. Playtime can be […]

5 Ways to Be the Hang Out House for Your Kids’ Friends

Friendship - Family

By Jessica Wolstenholm

I have a strong desire to be the “hang out house.” You know, the one where my kids and their friends come to after school to play and eat and build deeper relationships. I want to be that mom and I want that to be my house. In theory anyway. But sometimes replacing the hypothetical […]

Ten Ways To Be Another Mom’s Cheerleader

Zuko - Parenting

By Jessica Wolstenholm

I was in the middle of a battle of wills with a child of mine. (This is the same child who responded to my observation, “You are being particularly difficult this morning,” with: “I don’t speak Spanish.”) My dear friend and neighbor came over in the middle of this struggle, and I sighed and said, […]

5 Ways to Avoid PTO Mom Pressure

Product design - Product

By Editorial Team

This summer I joined the PTO (Parent Teacher Organization) at my kids’ school. I figured with my youngest entering kindergarten I’d have plenty of “free time” on my hands. I loved the idea of becoming more involved in our school community and getting to know other moms. I embraced the fact that so much goes […]

Practicing Self-Care As the School Year Begins

Fashion - Photograph

By Christine Bailey

Guess who’s not superwoman? This mom right here. But oh, how I like to think I am…at least until it all comes crashing down. Somehow, as I was preparing for our upcoming homeschool year, taking care of the third round of sweet friends visiting our farm this month, attempting to keep up with my own […]

3 Fun Ways to Share Faith With Your Kids Daily

Minno - Faith

By Jessica Wolstenholm

When I first contemplated homeschooling my kids, it’s mainly because I was dazzled by all the fancy homeschool bloggers who have creative Revolutionary War battles with their kids, make lunch to represent the layers of the earth and then have an exegetical Bible study and conjugate Latin verbs before lunch. I wanted to be that […]