Category: Education

New Show Just Added to Minno: Making Stuff

Creator deity - Minno

By Editorial Team

At Minno, we believe that God is the divine Creator of all things. He spoke the earth and everything in it into being and has since blessed human beings, created in His image, with creativity and innovation to make all kinds of things that make life easier, bring enjoyment, and provide lots of fun! Isn’t […]

3 Powerful Reminders to Help Parents Manage this School Year

Minno - Parenting

By Stephanie Thomas

How are you doing these days? Okay, that was a loaded question.  Here we are in September, facing the most unprecedented school year of all time, and I’m asking how you’re doing. Feel free to scream, cry, or laugh in response. You won’t be alone.  The majority of parents I talk to are overwhelmed. When […]

Return to Learn this School Year with Minno

Mask - 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic

By Editorial Team

Back-to-school is usually an exciting time around here at Minno. We connect with many families who are looking to start the year off with God at the center of their plans. But we understand that “back-to-school” in the time of Coronavirus looks different for every family and very different than anything we’ve experienced before. We […]

Free Zoom Backgrounds for Kids from Minno

Teacher - Homeschooling

By Editorial Team

Our kids are showing real strength and resiliency as they return to learn this school year with so many unknowns ahead of them. We know this season will be full of learning curves and maybe some tears and frustration as you find your groove in this new normal. We want to help your kids have […]

Homeschooling: 5 Tips for First-Time Parent-Teachers

By Stephanie Thomas

Quick survey: At the start of the new year, when you made your resolutions, where did “homeschool the kids” rank on your list?  Maybe you’ve been rolling the idea around in your head for a while, wondering how it might work and when you should go for it. Or maybe the thought of becoming your […]

5 Ways to Develop Your Homeschool Game Plan

Tulsa Kids Magazine - Family

By Editorial Team

When Christian families choose to make Christian homeschooling part of their lives, the task can seem very daunting. It often looks insurmountable when first starting out, but as in all things in life, it’s important to create a game plan to help alleviate some of the anxiety of the unknown.  By developing a plan, you […]