An Interview with the Creators of The Dead Sea Squirrels (Mike Nawrocki and Steve Taylor)

What’s it like to make an animated kids show like The Dead Sea Squirrels? Keep reading for an exclusive interview with the creative team behind this brand new series full of epic adventures and solid Bible truth!

Mike, The Dead Sea Squirrels is such a fun idea for a kids show. How did you land on this concept? 

The first seeds of the idea came to me a number of years ago during my years with VeggieTales. What if a character from the 1st Century Holy Land could experience 21st Century America? Kind of like Encino Man meets the Dead Sea Scrolls. From there, my brain went immediately to a bad pun; The Dead Sea Squirrels. Merle and Pearl Squirrel, an old Jewish couple from Galilee, would take a trip down the Jordon River, swim in the very salty Dead Sea, then take shelter from the desert heat and get lost in a nearby cave. The combination of dark, dry, and salty would preserve them for a couple of millennia until they were discovered by a 10-year-old boy tagging along with his dad on an archeological dig. Once rehydrated and desalinated, Merle and Pearl would be fish out of water in their new world but would have plenty to offer modern kids with their first-hand knowledge of the stories in the New Testament. 

Wow. What an imaginative concept. Kids are really going to love this fun play on the Bible landmark. Merle and Pearl’s story is really going to spark wonder in kids.

Mike, why do you think it’s important to teach kids about the Bible through stories? 

The Bible itself tells the grand story of creation, the fall, redemption, and restoration. And the individual stories that make up the Bible all fall within that narrative. I think it’s important for kids to be aware of and know how these stories connect and that they are all part of God’s big plan. When kids (or anyone, for that matter!) read, hear, or watch well-told stories, they connect with the characters and themes in those stories on both an emotional and intellectual level. Research shows that stories are a great way to learn and remember. Kids are more likely to retain information when it’s delivered in narrative structures. So wrapping Bible truths and life-lessons in epic stories will really help kids connect them to their every day lives.

Steve, the music in this show is just so fun! How did you approach the songs in this series?

I’d written songs before for both VeggieTales movies—“Belly of the Whale” from Jonah and “Yo Ho Hero” from The Pirates Who Don’t Do Anything. Mike and I share a similar sense of humor so we’re always trying to make each other laugh with our song lyrics. In each episode of The Dead Sea Squirrels there is a song that’s a flashback to Bible times, especially the ministry of Jesus and the early church, and those songs reinforce the story’s theme. We tried to make each song catchy and memorable, and then some of the songs are just for laughs. We have a scene that takes place in a roller rink, and Mike wrote a pop song for the couples skate called “Celebrate Your Face” that’s a personal favorite. I got to sing “The Dead Sea Squirrels” theme song, which took me back to my punk rock roots. I’m also the singing Apostle Paul in later episodes, as well as a talking donkey. Because Mike loves typecasting.

Steve, why do you think music plays an important role in teaching kids about the Bible?

A great melody with catchy lyrics can stay lodged in our heads for a lifetime. Research shows that music supports engagement and cognition as kids learn new things. I can’t think of a better way to teach kids stories and important lessons from the Bible.

You guys are like a dream team when it comes to mixing songs and stories in a kids series! What was it like working together on this show?

(Mike) Are you kidding me!? I’ve been a huge Steve Tylor fan since before I could drive! Working with him is a dream come true. He’s got a great sense of humor and is an amazing collaborator. And just as important, along with being a top creative, he’s got a Jedi-like ability as a producer to make people say, “Yes!” 

(Steve) We had a blast! It was a four-year-long blast, but a blast nonetheless. Plus, Mike is the World‘s Nicest Guy, so it stayed fun even when the hours got long.

How did you guys choose the voice actors and musical talent for the show?

(Mike) We were in the throws of Covid when we began casting for the show. We set up all our auditions over Zoom, starting with professional actors we had worked with before, along with theater students from Lipscomb University, where we both teach. For musical talent, we were fortunate to have worked with a number of amazing artists in the past who were excited to be a part of this project when we gave them a call. There were no auditions involved for Matthew West and Ellie Holcomb, of course!

(Steve) We were able to get some of the top voice talent in the country for many of our lead roles. For the singers, we mostly went with Mike’s neighbors.

Mike, what do you think is the hardest thing about creating a show for kids? What’s the most fun thing? 

The business side of show business is always the most challenging for me, which includes finding funding and distribution! However, we are very thankful to have found wonderful partners who believed in us and our vision for the show. As far as creative challenges go, getting the story and script right is always the biggest hurdle. Once the script is locked, I love the process of production—working with a talented team of actors and artists to bring the story to life.

Mike, what do you hope kids and families take away from watching The Dead Sea Squirrels?

I hope they are entertained and really enjoy watching the show! I also hope kids resonate with the themes and lessons of the episodes and learn more about Jesus and the Gospel!

Watch The Dead Sea Squirrels Exclusively on Minno!

We’re thrilled to announce that The Dead Sea Squirrels will premiere exclusively on Minno starting February 14, 2025! As your go-to platform for faith-based family entertainment, Minno is proud to bring this exciting new series to your home.

Are you ready to dive into the hilarious, heartwarming world of The Dead Sea Squirrels? Stream the show on Minno and explore the book series to join Merle, Pearl, and Michael on their unforgettable adventures!