Tag: Fruit of the Spirit

5 Bible Memory Verses for Kids About Kindness

The HUB OC - Parent

By Jessica Wolstenholm

Bullying is a buzzword in our schools and the cyber-world. Sadly, it’s a buzzword because bullying is a serious problem among kids, teens, and even adults. At my kids’ school, our principal talks to the kids about showing kindness to stop bullying before it starts. The local public school in our area has t-shirts with […]

3 Bible Stories That Teach Kids About Patience

By Editorial Team

My free-spirited 6 year old is learning to read, and let’s just say this summer we’ve been less than diligent about her practice. Partly due to summer’s lack of structure and partly because I just don’t have the patience to sit and listen to her struggle over the same words every.single.time. Ok, I’m being truly […]

Three Bible Stories That Teach Kids About Joy

By Editorial Team

When I think about joy in the Bible, I think of that old Sunday School classic song – I’ve got the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart! What a sweet song of praise. And yet, sometimes joy seems so hard to capture. It’s more than happiness, but it is the deep and abiding […]