Tag: Fruit of the Spirit

What is the Fruit of the Spirit?

Clementine - Orange

By Editorial Team

  Galatians 5:22-23 says: But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Introduction to the Fruit of the Spirit When you think of the word fruit, you probably think of something like an apple or a banana, right? Well when Paul talks about the “fruit of the […]

Fruit of the Spirit Lesson Series on Minno Church at Home

Fruit of the Holy Spirit - The Fruit of Love

By Editorial Team

Over the next nine weeks through Minno Church at Home, we’re digging into the fruit of a life connected to Jesus and led by our Helper, the Holy Spirit.  But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Galatians 5:22-23 NLT These […]

3 Bible Stories to Teach Your Kids About Peace

Peace - Parenting

By Melanie Rainer

My kids are not inherently peaceful people; but really, are any of us? They fight, yell, use their loudest voices to communicate the smallest things, interrupt constantly, and leave a trail of clutter literally everywhere. Nothing about our home is peaceful, and yet Scripture calls us to have peaceful spirits.  As parents (and people), how […]

5 Bible Memory Verses for Kids About Peace

All I Want Is Some Peace - All I Want Is Some Peace

By Jennifer Thorson

Ever find yourself saying to your kids (or mumbling under your breath), “All I want is some peace and quiet!” After a long day in the van on the way home from a 9-hour trip to visit the grandparents, that’s exactly what I find myself saying to my four kids! The peace I’m looking for is […]

5 Bible Memory Verses for Kids About Love

Valentine's Day - Religious text

By Minno

When adults ask children, “What is love?” the answers are often comical, sometimes sweet, and occasionally leave the grownups pondering how a child can have such a deep and thoughtful understanding of this abstract idea.   As with all parenting topics, parents and caregivers can either teach our children what the Bible says is true, or […]

5 Bible Memory Verses for Kids About Self-Control

Homeschooling - Bible Memory Verses

By Jessica Wolstenholm

When I was a new mom, I felt like my kids needed more self-control. Ha! Obviously. Parenting would be a lot easier with self-controlled kids. Selfishness comes naturally. Self-control? Not so much. Thankfully, the Bible gives us some really great insight on why and how to attain self-control in our lives–as a kid or a […]