Tag: Love

10 Intentional Ways to Love Your Kids Right Now

Family - Parenting

By Jessica Wolstenholm

There are many intentional ways to love our kids in every moment—when we’re busy or tired; when we’re out of money or energy. Often times, we think we need to spend lots of time or money to make a connection with our kids memorable and meaningful. But the truth is: little deposits into their hearts […]

What Does it Mean to Love Your Neighbor Today?

Minno - Christmas Day

By Jessica Wolstenholm

Love your neighbor. How many times a day, and in how many ways, do we communicate this command to our kids?  Can you say that in a kind voice? We share with our friends.  Look her in the eye when you talk.  Important lessons, no doubt.  But it’s not every day (or, ahem, every lifetime) […]

5 Bible Memory Verses for Kids About Love

Valentine's Day - Religious text

By Minno

When adults ask children, “What is love?” the answers are often comical, sometimes sweet, and occasionally leave the grownups pondering how a child can have such a deep and thoughtful understanding of this abstract idea.   As with all parenting topics, parents and caregivers can either teach our children what the Bible says is true, or […]

5 Ways to Love Your Neighbors with Intention

Bicycle - Road Bike

By Minno

Buying a house seemed like the next step after graduating from college and securing jobs.  We prayed for wisdom and direction. We made a list of requirements and wants. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, with a few acres. Then we met with a realtor to find our dream home. Looking back, I find it interesting that […]