Tag: 3 Bible Stories . . .

3 Bible Stories to Teach Your Kids about Lent

Stations of the Cross - Family

By Jessica Wolstenholm

Since I began attending my church 3 years ago, I’ve been greatly moved by my pastor’s heart for liturgy and traditionalism in the walk of faith. Having grown up in a Charismatic, evangelical church, I didn’t have first-hand experience with practices such as the observance of Lent or First Communion before now. Last year in […]

3 Bible Stories to Teach Your Kids About Peace

Peace - Parenting

By Melanie Rainer

My kids are not inherently peaceful people; but really, are any of us? They fight, yell, use their loudest voices to communicate the smallest things, interrupt constantly, and leave a trail of clutter literally everywhere. Nothing about our home is peaceful, and yet Scripture calls us to have peaceful spirits.  As parents (and people), how […]