Category: Kids + Parenting

4 Signs Your Daughter Has Anxiety

Family Policy Alliance - Daystar Counseling Ministries

By Jessica Wolstenholm

In the 27 years I’ve been counseling girls and their families, I have never seen something impact the lives of girls the way anxiety has in the past five years. It has now reached epidemic proportions, with one in four children suffering from anxiety at some time during their growing up years. The research varies, but […]

5 Tips for Easier Homeschool Planning

Journalist - Journalism

By Jessica Wolstenholm

Being a teacher of any kind is difficult. You bear the responsibility for not only being knowledgeable in a number of different content areas, but also mastering the subjects enough to help children learn them.  This burden can be compounded for homeschool parents who feel the pressures of taking on both teacher and parent roles […]

Making Your Children Feel Loved (Even When They Mess Up)

Father - Smile

By Jessica Wolstenholm

It’s Monday, and everything that could go wrong has gone wrong. The dog got loose and you and your kids spent a large portion of the morning looking for him. Everyone got their clothes muddy and will have to change, or else get everything else in the house dirty. Then you find out that the […]

5 Thanksgiving Prayers

Thanksgiving - Grace

By Jessica Wolstenholm

As you gather with friends and family around the table this Thanksgiving, here are a 5 Thanksgiving prayers that are some of our favorites. These prayers are from a variety of sources and weren’t necessarily intended for the Thanksgiving holiday, but rather they reflect the spirit of gratitude we should have all year long, and […]

Looking for a New Church? Reach Out to Children’s Ministers

stock.xchng - Stock photography

By Jessica Wolstenholm

We had a wonderful church community in our hometown, but then my husband had a job offer in Nashville that moved our family to a new city, and we began our search for a new church family.  Trying out churches can be intimidating in any city, but in Nashville—a city appropriately deemed the buckle of […]

How to Teach Kids Responsibility

Stock photography - Father

By Minno

I once heard someone say that a parent’s goal should be to work herself out of a job. Which means, we should teach our kids responsibility and train them to manage the tasks required to meet their basic needs. It sounds so easy and logical, but making it happen comes with some challenges.  Thankfully, God […]

Is It Possible to Be Consistent in Parenting?

Charlotte - Parenting

By Jessica Wolstenholm

Do you know what’s hard about being consistent with your kids? Being consistent. We know that “being consistent” in parenting is the ideal. But doing the right thing every. single.time? How is that even possible? Discipline the exact same way for the exact same infraction every single time?  Be consistent with devotions, meal planning, laundry, […]

4 Back-to-School Prayers and Bible Verses for Parents

The Trails Church Office - Matthew 5:10

By Jessica Wolstenholm

Ahhh. It’s back-to-school time. This is where the summer bliss ends and the need for routine and consistency begin. For most families, this is a time filled with new school supplies, new teachers, new activities, and lots of new commitments. While back-to-school time is typically focused on the children, these prayers and Bible verses are […]