10 Intentional Ways to Love Your Kids Right Now

By Jessica Wolstenholm


There are many intentional ways to love our kids in every moment—when we’re busy or tired; when we’re out of money or energy. Often times, we think we need to spend lots of time or money to make a connection with our kids memorable and meaningful. But the truth is: little deposits into their hearts on a daily basis will do more for their growth than an extravagant gift or experience. 

So don’t get caught up in thinking you have nothing left to give your kids at the end of the day or as you’re rushing out the door in the morning. Your quiet whisper of love in these simple acts will be like shouts of adoration to their precious souls.

10 Intentional Ways to Love Your Kids Right Now

  1. Put down your phone. Your willingness to shut out the noise of the world you hold in your hands and focus on them speaks volumes. 
  2. Look them in the eyes when you talk to them. Because they need to know they’ve got your full attention.
  3. Play their favorite game and be all in. Put away distractions and get in touch with the competitive child inside you. Bring it on!
  4. Say, “I’m so glad I’m your mom/dad!” They need to know how blessed you feel to be their coach, cheerleader. and guide.
  5. Cook their favorite meal. For all the nights you’ve made them eat what you served . . . let them pick the menu from time to time.
  6. Let them stay up past bedtime to snuggle or talk. Oh, how special they will feel when you bend the rules for some extra time to connect.
  7. Write an encouraging note on their bathroom mirror. Surprise them with words of affirmation to read while they are getting ready for their day.
  8. Read their favorite story, even if you’re tired of it. You may not love it now, but you will never regret it when they are older.
  9. Say, “I love you!” in the middle of a conversation, just because. Spontaneous words of love may seem awkward at first but they are priceless!
  10. Lean in and listen. You never know what you’ll hear or pick up on if you truly pay attention.


Download a copy of this list and keep it in your Bible or journal as a reminder to love your kids simply and intentionally every day!