3 Bible Stories to Teach Your Kids about Courage

Courage! With back to school around the corner and all of its new friends, new sports, new teachers, and new academic challenges, every kid could use a little courage. Here are 3 Bible stories to use to teach your kids about courage.

3 Bible Stories That Teach Your Kids About Courage


Joshua 1:1-9

In this opening passage of the book of Joshua, God commissions Joshua to be the new leader of the Israelites after Moses died. Joshua will be the one to lead the Israelites into the Promised Land! After 40 years of wandering in the desert, the people will finally be home. But the Promised Land is full of new challenges, armies and more. So God tells Joshua 3 times in these 9 verses to “be strong and courageous.”

Thankfully, the Lord’s commands to Joshua are not without His promise for provision and protection. In verse 5, God promises that he will always be with Joshua, that he will never leave him or forsake him, then he follows in verse 6 with the command to be strong and courageous. How could Joshua be afraid when God had made such a promise to him? In verse 9, God says “Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

When talking to your kids about the story of Joshua, ask them if they know that God’s promises to Joshua are true for them as well.

Related Episodes on Minno:

60 Second Bible Stories: Joshua
Hillsong Kids: Joshua 1:9 Sing Along
What’s in the Bible?: Finally The Promised Land

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Friends and Heroes: False Heroes


Esther 5,7

The story of the brave young queen Esther is one of the most famous in the whole Bible. Esther, a young Jewish woman, has married King Xerxes. But Xerxes’ evil associate Haman wants to kill all the Jews, starting with Esther’s cousin Mordecai. Esther knows she should ask the King to intervene, but it took tremendous courage! After all, the law said that if she even approached the King without his permission, she could be killed.

Esther asked Mordecai to have all the Jews fast and pray for her for 3 days. She knew that she had to be courageous, and the prayers of her people surely helped! When you discuss this story with your kids, ask them how you can pray for them. Remind them that prayer is a powerful tool and they can always count on God to meet them with what they need.

Related Episodes on Minno:

VeggieTales: Esther – The Girl Who Became Queen

What’s in the Bible?: Brave Queen Esther
Holy Moly: Queen Esther

TuneTime: Paint
Friends and Heroes: Doing Our Part

Story Songs from Scripture: Esther’s Song
Bug Time Adventures: Not to Bee

Paul’s Trip to Rome

Acts 27

Paul had been arrested and was being sent to Rome for a trial. He warned the crew of the ship that it would be a very dangerous trip, but they didn’t listen to him and set sail anyway. There was a long storm, and they ran out of food. But Paul told them that an angel had appeared to him and said that no one would die, because Paul had to appear in Rome. The angel said, “Do not be afraid, Paul; you must stand before Caesar. And behold, God has granted you all those who sail with you.” So Paul told the men to have courage. He told them they would have shipwreck, but they would be safe.

Can you imagine how difficult it would be to encourage the people who were holding you captive? But Paul did that very thing, trusting in the Lord for the courage he needed. And his courage gave the ship’s men courage as well. Ask your children who in their lives gives them courage, using Paul as an example.

Related Episodes on Minno:

Read and Share Bible: Paul’s Shipwreck
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