Tag: Faith Formation

Teaching Kids the Bible Through Stories: The Dead Sea Squirrels and Minno

By Jessica Wolstenholm

Wondering the most effective ways to teach the Bible to kids? Whether you are a parent or a children’s ministry leader, teaching kids the stories of the Bible can feel like a daunting task. Family Bible studies and curriculum can often be too complicated or involved. That’s where Minno can help—with shows like The Dead […]

Five Ways to Prepare Children for Easter

Resurrection of Jesus - Toddler M

By Minno

Easter is a glorious day when we celebrate together the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Children get excited on Easter, but sometimes they don’t always understand what Easter is about. Read below about five ways that we can prepare children for Easter.   1. Explain Why Jesus Came to Earth First of […]

What is Holy Week?

Minno - Resurrection of Jesus

By Minno

  What is Holy Week? Holy Week marks the final week of the season of Lent and it recounts the final days of Christ’s life, as well as his death, burial, and resurrection. In the early developments of this tradition, Good Friday and Holy Saturday were the first to be designated as holy days. Some […]