4 Tips for Helping Busy Dads Connect with Their Kids
I love my job. I am the “Family Guy” at New Life Christian Church in Northern Virginia. I oversee the Children and Youth Ministries with direct involvement with the youth program. I am also a father of 4 beautiful young girls. Growing up as a member of a 4 boy family, I never had the experience of growing up with girls. So all of this – the princesses, the nail polish and the EMOTIONS …(oh yes the emotions!) is all new for me. But I love it. I absolutely love being their dad.
But being the “Family Guy” at my job, I must admit, I feel an extra pressure on me. After all, holding this position implies that I might know something about raising a healthy family. It infers that in order for me to have this position, I must have created a very family-oriented environment in my own household and spend as much time as possible with my girls.
But despite my best efforts, sometimes coming home from a long day at work, being family first and focusing solely on my girls does not always happen. In fact, it is sometimes the last thing I want to do.
Paul says it right when he says, “For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I keep on doing.” Now, in that context, Paul is talking about struggling with sin in his life. But, I think this verse directly applies to fatherhood as well. So many times I want to come home, get out the toys and play outside with my girls until its dark outside. But that rarely happens. Too often I find myself sitting on the couch being annoyed that I’m attacked by my little ones…sorry, just trying to be honest.
So as I try to be the best dad that I can, I have jotted down a few practical ways that I have found to get re-energized before I get home:
1. Set your expectations right
Expect chaos because so many times when I get home, chaos is happening. Rare are those days where I walk into my house and my family just ministers to you with a soda, newspaper and the evening news (were those ever the days or just drawings from Norman Rockwell?). Usually I get girls telling me about their day and wanting me to do things with them…things that just make me tired thinking about it. So make sure your expectations are right before you walk through your door so that you don’t get frustrated.
2. Be flexible
No matter how many books you read on parenting and children, the bottom line is no one can prepare you for what you are going to encounter. No one specific book can tell you exactly how to raise your children. The rules break all the time. That is why you need to be flexible and roll with the punches. The more we are flexible and have our expectations set right, the less frustrated we will be when things don’t go quite as we had planned or as the book says. By being flexible we are able to really learn who our children are and how we can best meet their needs and help them grow to be healthy children and young adults.
3. Inject Christ in your life
On your way home, turn on the Christian music station or read some scripture before you walk into your house…scripture on patience 🙂 Seriously, I have found the more I listen to Christian music before I go anywhere, the more my mindset changes and get focused on the right priorities.
4.”Be here now”
That’s a saying at a high adventure camp I went to in high school. “Be here now” implied that it doesn’t matter what you could be doing somewhere else or should be doing. What is most important is that you stay focused on where you are at. So that means, when you are at home with your kids, you focus on your kids. That means no cell phone, iPad or any other work distraction you may have. I know that is easier said than done, but the reality is we have at least 9-5 M-F to focus on our work and toys (yes, our iPhone is definitely a toy). We need those few hours each day when we get home to be focused on our children and loving our wife.
When you do these things, all things will turn out just right. Well, maybe not, but the reality is doing these 4 things in my life with my children makes me a better person which makes me a better dad.
Today’s guest post is from Tom Pounder. Tom is the “Family Guy” at at New Life Christian Church in Northern Virginia. He has 4 beautiful daughters that enable him to have 1 crazy life. You can follow him on twitter @tapounder.