Minno Life – Start Here

By Melanie Rainer



Welcome to Minno Life!


We are so happy you’ve found us …  Welcome!


We love good stories, and we know that the greatest story ever told is the story of God and his love for us. We know the world tells a different story – a story where God is a fairytale at best, and doesn’t exist at worst.


That doesn’t make it easy to raise Christian kids. And while we don’t have it all figured out, we’re passionate about telling authentic stories and bringing the truths of the Bible alive for kids and parents.


Minno is a place where God is real and His Word is true, and your kids can find hundreds of hours of shows and movies that they will love and you will trust.


Our passion is to help you – as parents, caregivers, grandparents, children’s ministry leaders – raise your children to have a resilient faith in an ever-changing culture. Because at the end of the day, you have the greatest influence in your children’s lives – but we all need a little help, a “start here” and a place to go for “oh my gosh how do I talk about THAT with my kids?”.


It’s our prayer that we’ll be there for you, a partner for you as you have the conversations about Jesus that really matter for your kids. Keep us tucked in your back pocket and we’ll do our best to be there when your kid asks a hard question, or needs a conversation about the fruit of the Spirit, the resurrection, or just a little reassurance about that tricky Abraham-and-Isaac story.


We can partner with you in a few ways. You’ll find plenty of resources here at Minno Life, from blogs to research to printable activities. You can also check out the Minno app, the only streaming video app just for kids – with over 300 hours of streaming Christian videos. Your kids will love having their very own video app and you will love the peace of mind that comes from knowing they can only access quality Christian content.


Who are we?


We are the team that has developed, along with VeggieTales(R) creator Phil Vischer, Buck Denver Asks(R) … What’s in the Bible? And gominno.com. For the past decade, we have been developing media and serving parents like you with tools and resources to help you build a spiritual foundation for your kids.



We’re parents, aunts, uncles, babysitters, friends, and children’s ministry volunteers. We’re media professionals, runners, cyclists, home chefs, coffee snobs, developers, marketers, accountants, seminarians, theater-goers, dance-party enthusiasts and creatives. We love Jesus, we love the Church, and we depend a whole lot on the Holy Spirit. We don’t take our calling lightly, because we really love kids and we know how hard it is to shepherd their hearts in this media-drenched, on-demand culture.


Will you join us? We want to help your family flourish.


We need to get a group picture! In the meantime, our amazing Creative Operations Manager Anne drew this so you could kind of see what we look like.