Finding Balance in Healthy Living

By Jessica Wolstenholm

It’s the beginning of a new year! Here come the diets, supplements, lifestyle changes, exercise plans and resolutions. It’s enough to make your head spin!

We know that healthy living is important, but how do we find balance so that we aren’t swept away by fads or focus too much on the physical rather than the spiritual?

Here are some things to consider about finding balance in healthy living:

“Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.” 1 Corinthians‬ ‭6:19-20‬

We are temples of the Holy Spirit – Jesus Christ died to save us, purchasing us with a dear price: His life! Our bodies belong to Him just as much as our hearts, and the Spirit dwells in us. Frankly, we don’t have any right to treat our bodies with neglect. And what a privilege to care for His temple!

We’re called to practice good stewardship – Taking care of our bodies glorifies God and demonstrates good stewardship of His creation – us! We teach our children to take care of the gifts we give them. How much more should we teach them to take care of their bodies given to them by God?

We want to serve the Lord – When we are healthy and strong we are better able to serve the Lord and follow His calling on our lives. Are we hindering our efforts with poor choices? Regular exercise and nourishing foods can make a big difference in how well we function.

Our attitudes and habits matter – As we teach our kids about balance in healthy living – not making healthy eating or exercise an idol but also not neglecting it – we can instruct them in godly perspective. We are called to self-control and treating God’s gifts, which include our bodies and our time here on earth, with proper respect.

Finding Balance in Healthy Living

Yes, our physical condition is important to God for all of these reasons. Therefore, if you know that your body is in need of better care so that you can be healthy to serve the Lord, then pursue it diligently. If you have health issues that require a special diet, that is obviously important to deal with wisely so that you can serve God with all your resources fully functioning.

Yet far more important than all this is our spiritual condition. Whatever our purpose or motivation for healthy living, the temporal issues of life should always be examined through an eternal lens.

In 1 Corinthians 6:12-13, Paul tells us that our body doesn’t exist for ourselves but for the Lord, and that he will not be mastered by anything (which includes food and our own desires) because God is the master of it all. This is a good view for us to adopt as well.

Here’s the bottom line: Given the circumstances and resources you have been given, live for the glory of God and under His mastership. That includes keeping your body as healthy as you can so that you may best be used for His good purposes. Do not let the keeping and care become an idol, nor neglect self-discipline and responsibility.

Thank the Lord that He will equip us with all we need to follow Him! He is ever shaping us into the image of Christ. May we become more like Him in obedience, self-control, and wisdom.