3 Bible Stories to Teach Your Kids about Teamwork

Teamwork! It’s not just for the soccer field … in fact, most of us engage in teamwork every day of the week. From working as team to clean your house, to partnering with your spouse to get everyone out the door on time in the morning, to participating in school or work projects, teams are everywhere!

Ask your kids about all the teams they are a part of, from family to friends to sports. Then use these Bible stories as a jumping off point to teach them about the importance of teamwork!

3 Bible Stories That Teach Your Kids About Teamwork

The 12 Disciples

Mark 6:7-13

Jesus had a team of disciples who went everywhere with him. In this passage from Mark, Jesus sends his disciples out to begin doing their own ministry in teams of two. He gave them specific instructions to not pack anything, but rather to rely on people who invited them into their homes.

We see several examples of teamwork in this story! First, Jesus sends them out in teams of two. Ask your kids why they think the disciples worked and traveled in teams. Second, Jesus is telling them to rely on other people, who could be believers, to help them out along the way – teamwork in the body of Christ!

Read it in the Laugh and Learn Bible for Kids: Jesus’ Disciples, page 254


Related Episodes to Watch:

5 Minute Family Devotional: Jesus Picks His Disciples

Connect: The 12 Disciples


Rebuilding the Wall in Jerusalem

Nehemiah 4:15-23

When Nehemiah was leading the rebuilding of the wall around Jerusalem, enemies of the Israelites kept trying to attack them while they worked! But this passage from Nehemiah shows how great teamwork helped get the job done. Half of the Israelites worked on the wall while the other half stood guard. Everyone worked together to rebuild the wall. Ask your kids what they observe about teamwork in this passage. What kind of leader was Nehemiah?

Read it in the Laugh and Learn Bible for Kids: God Gets it Done, page 166

Related Episodes to Watch:

The Bentley Brothers: Nehemiah

What’s in the Bible? Ezra and Nehemiah

Jesus Storybook Bible: Get Ready


The Body of Christ

Ephesians 4:15-16

This famous passage from Ephesians describes the Body of Christ or the Church. Paul reminds the believers that they are all a part of the same team – and that each person has a part to play. This is a great lesson about teamwork because you can use it to show kids that all the different parts of the body help the whole thing to grow. So no matter their talents, they can all contribute to God’s Church!

This example works for other teams as well. Ask your kids to think about what it would be like to be on a team where everyone was great at scoring, but no one was good at defense. How would that work out? Teamwork is all about using our own talents to serve the greater good and encouraging others use theirs too.

Related Episodes to Watch:

Connect: The Body of Christ