3 Bible Stories to Teach Your Kids about Respect

Respect … R-E-S-P-E-C-T! It’s one of the most foundational and important lessons we can teach our kids about interacting with other people. From respecting elders to respecting people with different backgrounds to respecting other kids’ wishes, the need for respect is everywhere.

The Bible is full of stories about showing respect. Check out 3 Bible stories below to teach your kids about respect.

3 Bible Stories That Teach Your Kids About Respect

Ephesians 6:1-4

Parents may be particularly big fans of this passage because in it Paul urges children to obey their parents – to honor and respect them! Ask your kids to read through the verses, then think about the following questions. Why does Paul tell children that they should obey parents? Does this count for adults and their parents as well? How does obedience relate to respect?

Nehemiah Respects the King

Nehemiah 2:1-8

Nehemiah was working as the cupbearer to King Artaxerxes while the Israelites were in exile, and he knew that the wall around Jerusalem had been destroyed. He really wanted to go back to Jerusalem and check it out for himself, and rebuild the wall. But he knew he would need the king’s permission!

Ask your kids how they would approach the king under these circumstances. With a lot of respect, of course! Read through the story and ask your kids to point out how Nehemiah showed the king respect.

Read it in the Laugh and Learn Bible for Kids: God Gets it Done, page 166


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The Bentley Brothers: Nehemiah

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Romans 13:1-7

This is a classic Biblical passage on respecting people in authority. We know that respect and honor are important to God because of the way they are talked about in the Bible, including in this passage. Paul reminds us in this passage that all authority comes from him, so when we respect people in authority it is a way of showing respect to God.

When reading this passage with your kids, ask them to reflect on who has authority in their lives and whether it is hard or easy to respect them.