3 Bible Stories to Teach Your Kids about Integrity

Laugh and Grow Bible One Year Reading...

Integrity can be a tricky topic to teach kids! It’s something we all desire to pass on to them, but it’s not as clear-cut as explaining, say, honesty or kindness. In fact, Dictionary.com defines it as “adherence to moral or ethical principles” … which as Christians, we would define as Biblical principles. Integrity involves consistency as well — someone who always does the right thing.

The best way to teach kids about integrity is by example – both modeling it as well as pointing it out when you see it. The Bible is full of examples of what it means to live with integrity. Check out these 3 Bible stories below.

3 Bible Stories That Teach Your Kids About Integrity

Jesus is Tempted

Luke 4:1-13

After Jesus was baptized, he went into the wilderness for 40 days. While he was there, he was tempted by the devil. But Jesus showed amazing, perfect integrity to the Word of God and to his character! Jesus quoted the Old Testament to stay strong, and showed faithfulness to his mission as the Son of God.

Read this story with your kids and ask them how they think Jesus showed integrity when he was tempted. Ask if they think it was hard or easy to Jesus to say no to the devil.

Read it in the Laugh and Grow Bible for Kids: The Desert Temptation, page 242

Related Episodes to Watch:

What’s in the Bible? The Messiah Has Come

5 Minute Family Devotional: Jesus is Tempted

Read and Share Bible: Jesus is Tempted by Satan


1 Samuel 12:1-5

Samuel is one of the most amazing people in the Bible! As a prophet, he gave messages to the Israelites and their kings from God. Samuel anointed both Saul and David to be king, and he served as an advisor. In 1 Samuel 12, Samuel is giving his farewell address. In verses 1-5, he reminds the people of his integrity, to show them that they should have the same integrity before the Lord.

After you read this story, ask your kids to think about what they would ask other people about them. Examples could be, “Do I behave well? or Do I love people well?” Think about what you would want the answers to be and what that says about what you view as important.

Read about Samuel in the Laugh and Grow Bible for Kids: King Saul, page 124 and David and Goliath, page 130

Related Episodes to Watch:

Holy Moly: God Calls Samuel

Holy Moly: Samuel Anoints David

What’s in the Bible? The People Want a King

Friends and Heroes: Hostages

5 Minute Family Devotional – Old Testament Heroes: Samuel

Books of the Bible: 1 Samuel


Job 2:1-9

Job is one of the hardest stories in the whole Bible. (Definitely check out What’s in the Bible? Poems in the Bible for a fantastic overview of the book of Job.) In it, Job is an honesty and upright man, but Satan tests his faith by taking away everything from him. Even Job’s wife asks him in Verse 9, “Do you hold fast to your integrity?” and Job does! He stands by God and everything that God has done.

After you read this story (and maybe watch the What’s in the Bible? episode about Job), talk to your kids about Job’s faithfulness and how hard that must have been. Ask them if they have ever struggled to trust God and that he knows what is best for us. Pray together for God to give you all strength, faith and trust – and integrity to walk in God’s ways, no matter how hard it is.

Read it in the Laugh and Grow Bible for Kids: He Gives and Takes Away, page 182

Related Episodes to Watch:

What’s in the Bible?: Poems in the Bible

Sing Through the Bible: Job

5 Minute Family Devotional – Old Testament Heroes: Job