25 Random Acts of Kindness to Spread Love Today

In today’s world it is so easy to get bogged down by the negativity we see in our day-to-day lives. From the media focusing on the bad things happening around us to bullying in our schools to the unhappy person standing next to us in the grocery line, one thing is abundantly clear: We need to spread God’s love to combat the ugly in this world. And we need to teach our children to do the same.

But how? How can we make a difference in a culture consumed by social media statuses and who is the “biggest” and “best”? How can we quiet the loudness of the world’s lust for money and fame and exalt the One who is able to save our soul?

While there are many ways we can love on those around us, today I want to suggest that we spread love through Random Acts of Kindness (RAK). RAK is a wonderful concept that allows us to model Christ to our children and those around us in a practical, real-life way. RAK are a wonderful tool to be the hands and feet of Jesus and give hope to those we meet.

Today I am sharing 25 Random Acts of Kindness to spread the love of God to those around you. These are things that your family can do together to bless others and grow closer to God and one another in the process.

25 Random Acts of Kindness to Spread Love Today

1. Smile at everyone you see.

2. Offer to walk your neighbor’s dog.

3. Volunteer to pick up garbage in your neighborhood.

4. Thank a police officer or firefighter for their service.

5. Bake cookies and take them to your teacher or Sunday School teacher.

6. Visit a nursing home and play games with the elderly.

7. Ask your family members how you can serve them each day.

8. Pray for someone who is hurting.

9. Let someone go ahead of you in line.

10. Hold the door open for a stranger.

11. Make cards that say “you are special” and hand them out to people you don’t know.

12. Put money in someone’s parking meter.

13. Compliment someone.

14. Hand out sack lunches to the homeless.

15. Organize a day of pampering for a mom who just had a baby.

16. Cook meals for a family who is going through a difficult time.

17. Visit terminally sick children in the hospital.

18. Donate games to a group home.

19. Buy gift cards to random places and hand them out to random people.

20. Pay for the person’s coffee in line behind you.

21. Draw pictures of God’s love and hand them out to those who could use hope.

22. Thank your local librarians for making sure you have great books to read.

23. Make a treat bag and hand it out to your postal delivery person.

24. Read a book to someone.

25. Give someone a hug.

The wonderful thing about spreading love through random acts of kindness is that it is pleasing to God and it feels great! There is so much truth in Acts 20:35,

“And I have been a constant example of how you can help those in need by working hard. You should remember the words of the Lord Jesus: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’”

Not only does blessing those around you help spread God’s love, it is also a great tool to restore faith and hope to a fallen world.

Take the time to do some of the 25 things above and see how it affects your family and those around you. I encourage you to create 25 more RAKs to continually spread the love of Jesus with your family. Let’s go out into this world and spread God’s love every chance we get!