

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the Earth! Embark on a journey through the Bible, starting with creation! Learn about the Trinity and all of the amazing things God made.

Adam And Eve


The most amazing part of God’s creation: US! Follow the story of Adam and Eve, in the Garden of Eden but watch out for that sneaking snake!

What Is Sin?


Adam and Eve decided to go their own way instead of trusting God which was the beginning of sin. Learn about what sin is and why it keeps us from enjoying God’s best.

Noah and The Flood


Noah was a faithful man who was chosen by God to start His world over again. Follow the animals and learn why God chose Noah to build the ark.

God Calls Abram


The world was full of sin but there was one man, Abram, later called Abraham, who was willing to trust God. Learn about the three promises God made when He first called Abram to leave his family and follow God.

The Burning Bush


Moses was living with his family in the desert enjoying a pretty simple life. Until one day when God showed up in a burning bush! Join Moses as he learns to trust God and follow His directions to do the hardest thing he’s ever done!

Ruth’s Redeemer


God loves it when we show love! Follow the story of Ruth and Naomi and learn what it means to redeem something and why Jesus is our ultimate redeemer.

David and Goliath


David may have been small but he had big faith in God! Follow him onto the battlefield where he faces Israel’s greatest enemy with just a few smooth stones and a whole lot of courage!

Brave Queen Esther


Brave Queen Esther was chosen by God to do something big at a very important time. Watch as she finds the courage to do what’s right and save her people!

The Messenger


Christmas is when we celebrate that baby Jesus was born, but the story really began years and years and years before that very first Christmas. Learn about the prophet Isaiah and his message about Jesus’ birth!

Jonah and the Whale


Jonah was a prophet, chosen by God to deliver an important message to the people of Nineveh. But Jonah didn’t want to! Find out how Jonah learned that God gives second chances.

Born In A Barn


God’s people waited many many years for the promised Messiah to come. And when Jesus finally did arrive, it didn’t happen the way people expected! Learn the true meaning of Christmas through this story of Jesus’ birth.

Shepherds and Angels


Baby Jesus made quite an entrance and that was just the beginning of how God would use Him to turn the world upside down! But before Jesus could make His mark on the world, the world needed to know about Him. Learn how God chose shepherds—the lowliest people—to share the good news of Jesus’ birth that very first Christmas.

The Wise Men


The angels announced Jesus’ arrival to shepherds that first Christmas! But stinky, smelly shepherds weren’t the only ones who were excited about God’s promised blessing. Learn about the Wise Men and their journey to meet Jesus.

John Baptises Jesus


Jesus is God’s own son! Find out what happened when John baptized Jesus in this episode about the beginning of Jesus’ ministry.

The Desert Temptation


After Jesus was baptized, He went away to spend time with God. Learn why Jesus had the strength to overcome temptation in this look at His time in the desert.

Jesus’ Disciples


Discover how Jesus chose His twelve disciples and what He taught them in this episode about how Jesus collected His closest friends.

The Sermon On The Mount


Watch Jesus’ most famous teachings in this episode about what the kingdom of God is like. Follow along and see why God’s kingdom is very different from the kingdoms of this world.

It’s A Miracle!


When Jesus was all grown up He traveled with His disciples doing amazing things all over the place! Learn about Jesus’ miracles in this story that walks through some of the most powerful moments of His ministry.

The Last Supper


Jesus and His disciples traveled to Jerusalem for Passover. But this celebration wasn’t quite like those of years past. Follow along through His last meal with the disciples and the moments leading up to Jesus’ death.

Jesus’ Death


We often want to skip over this hard moment of God’s story but although Jesus’ death is sad, it’s also a story of love and salvation. Learn about how Jesus came to die and why He sacrificed His life for us.

He Is Alive!


Why can we have hope? Because we know how the story ends . . . with the most incredible miracle ever! Follow along and experience the joy of Jesus’ friends as they discover He defeated death and rose from the grave.

God’s Super Helper


After His resurrection, Jesus promised the disciples He would send them a Helper. But Jesus’ friends didn’t know what that meant. Follow along as the disciples encounter the Holy Spirit and learn about the power He gives us.

Big Changes For Saul


God chose a special man to spread His good news around the Roman world. Learn how Saul, also known as Paul, was not who people expected but was the perfect man for God’s big job!

Paul’s Travels


Paul traveled all around the Roman world telling people about God’s good news! Join Paul’s travels and learn about the good and bad situations he encountered as he gathered new Jesus followers.

From Wrong To Right


Paul said, “We are justified by grace through faith!” But what does that even mean? Learn what it means to have our labels changed from “wrong” to “right” in this story-based look at core Christian theology.

The Fruit Of The Spirit


Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. The Fruit of the Spirit! Watch and learn what the Fruit of the Spirit is and how we can grow this good fruit in our lives.

How Does It End?


It’s the question we ask at the end of every good story! Learn about John’s visions and their meanings in the end of God’s story (and how it’s really just the beginning) in this look at the book of Revelation.

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