Minno Life Guide: Creation Care

By Minno

Creation Care: How Your Family Can Love the Earth Caring for God’s amazing creation can feel like a really big job! But you don’t have to memorize statistics, understand the latest science, or even dramatically change your lifestyle to care for the earth. Creation care can start with simple habits and just being aware . […]

Minno Life Guide: Spiritual Practices

By Minno

Spiritual Practices: The Exercise of Growing with God   Our latest Minno Life Guide, Spiritual Practices: The Exercise of Growing with God offers practical help for teaching kids the sacred spiritual habits that help us grow in our relationship with God. This mini ebook is full of biblical insight and hands-on ideas for practicing the age-old disciplines as […]

Minno Life Guide: Prayer

By Minno

Prayer: The Practice of Talking to God Our latest Minno Life Guide, Prayer: The Practice of Talking to God offers practical help for teaching kids the sacred act of communing with their heavenly Father. This guide will open the door for your family to grow in the practice of prayer— starting with small, daily habits […]