Jesus Feeds 5000, Mary and Martha, and Other Bible Stories: Holy Moly Volume 4

By Minno

Each volume of Holy Moly videos helps kids explore more of God’s awesome story. In addition to “Jesus Feeds 5,000” and “Mary and Martha,” this volume includes episodes covering New Testament stories such as “Jesus Walks on Water,” “Lazarus is Healed,” and “Zacchaeus the Tax Collector.” Imaginative visuals and humorous sound effects give kids the […]

Jesus at the Temple, the Good Samaritan, and Other Bible Stories: Holy Moly Volume 3

By Minno

Each volume of Holy Moly videos helps kids explore more of GodÕs awesome story. In addition to “Jesus at the Temple” and “The Good Samaritan,” this volume includes episodes covering New Testament stories such as “John the Baptist,” “Jesus Calms the Storm,” and “The Parable of the Good Samaritan.” Imaginative visuals and humorous sound effects […]

Baby Moses, Jonah, and Other Bible Stories: Holy Moly Volume 2

By Minno

Each volume of Holy Moly helps kids explore more of God’s awesome story. In addition to “Baby Moses” and “Jonah and the Whale,” this volume includes episodes covering Old Testament stories such as “Crossing the Red Sea,” “Brave Deborah,” Naomi and Ruth,” and “David and Goliath.” Animated scripture retellings bring each story to life for […]

Creation, Noah’s Ark, and Other Bible Stories: Holy Moly Volume 1

By Minno

These entertaining animated Bible stories generate deep engagement with Scripture. Each colorful volume helps kids explore more of God’s awesome story. In addition to “Noah’s Ark” and “God’s Promise to Abraham,” this volume includes episodes covering Old Testament stories such as “Creation,” “Adam and Eve,” “Jacob and Esau,” and “Joseph and His Brothers.” With mostly […]

The Holy Moly Easter Story Collection

By Minno

The Holy Moly Easter Story Collection follows the last days of Jesus’ life from when he enters Jerusalem until his friends find his empty tomb. Contents: Jesus Enters Jerusalem The Last Supper Jesus and the Cross The Empty Tomb Holy Moly videos from Sparkhouse Family are designed to introduce children to Bible stories through a […]

Jesus Ascends, Saul Meets Jesus, and Other Bible Stories: Holy Moly Volume 5

By Minno

Each volume of Holy Moly videos helps kids explore more of God’s awesome story. In addition to “Thomas Believes” and “The Road to Emmaus,” this volume includes episodes covering New Testament stories such as “Philip and the Ethiopian,” “Peter Raises Tabitha,” and “Paul and Silas.” Imaginative visuals and humorous sound effects give kids the opportunity […]