Category: Bible + Faith

Walk Your Family Through The Bible: Kings & Chronicles

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By Jessica Wolstenholm

We mixed things up a bit this month because as much as I love tradition, kids get bored and disinterested when things feel the same all the time. So for this month’s viewing of What’s In The Bible?, we watched while cooking and eating dinner. The kids helped me in the kitchen while learning about […]

Pour Yourself Out: 4 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Volunteering

By Jessica Wolstenholm

What does it look like to be the hands and feet of Jesus today? What are appropriate ways for children to start serving their community? How can you serve together as a family? These are some questions I’ve journeyed with the past two years. In this 2015 blog series, Raising Micah 6:8 Kids, we’ll follow […]

Choosing Structure As Freedom: Reflections on Lent

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By Christine Bailey

Lent. It’s the season of giving up, sacrificing, preparing. During “Lententide,” we turn our eyes and our hearts more fully towards Christ and the cross in anticipation of Easter Sunday coming soon. Growing up Southern Baptist, my family didn’t celebrate Lent – it was something my Catholic friends in my small New Jersey hometown mentioned […]

How Do You Integrate Faith and Learning?

By Jessica Wolstenholm

This year, we’re rounding up some of our favorite bloggers to get their thoughts on faith and family. We asked them:  How do you make the Bible part of your kids’ learning, regardless of what type of school they attend?  Leah of As We Walk Along the Road We do a daily devotion time together […]

How to Talk to Your Kids About Heaven

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By Editorial Team

The film release of Heaven Is For Real brings the best-selling book about a boy who visited Heaven to life on the big screen–and into the mainstream. Whether of not they see the movie, chances are your kids have some questions about Heaven. Talking about Heaven is a two-sided coin. The old saying goes, everybody […]

How to Teach Revelation to Kids: Revelation Video Series with Phil Vischer

Revelation - Family

By Jessica Wolstenholm

  Teaching the book of Revelation to kids may seem like a daunting task, but VeggieTales(r) and What’s in the Bible? creator Phil Vischer offers some great ideas in this short video about his approach to Revelation in Volume 13 of the Buck Denver Asks(r) … What’s in the Bible? series. Volume 13: God’s Kingdom […]

Facing Our Own Fiery Furnace

Flame - Flame Wallet Magician Trick Flame Fire Wallet Leather Magician Perform Street Inconceivable Show

By Jessica Wolstenholm

Most of us learned the story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego when we were children. The story goes that King Nebuchadnezzar built a huge golden statue of himself and commanded the people to bow down and worship him. The punishment for not doing this was to be thrown into a huge furnace. Shadrach, Meshach and […]

Thy Will Be Done…

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By Jessica Wolstenholm

Saying the Lord’s Prayer can sometimes be rather rote. We’ve memorized it. We’ve taught it to our children. We even have beautiful musical compositions based on it. But when was the last time you took the time to really think about the words, and how they fit into our lives? Bible scholars, much smarter than […]

Fasting From Gossip

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By Jessica Wolstenholm

  There’s been a lot of talk lately about fasting and giving up something during this season of Lent. My good friend, Kathy Lonsinger, who runs the wonderful online ministry A Gentle Answer, recently posed a suggestion for all of us. She asked that we fast from gossip and quick judgmental condemnation, loosely veiled behind […]

What does it mean that Jesus is the Good News?

Upstate New York Synod - Lutheranism

By Jessica Wolstenholm

Buck Denver Asks … What’s in the Bible? Volume 10: Jesus is the Good News! [Matthew, Mark, Luke & John] releases on February 26, 2013. We asked creator Phil Vischer “What do you hope families take away from Volume 10?” Watch his answer. “I hope families take away from this DVD a new understanding of […]