What Devotions Does Your Family Do?
This year, we’re rounding up some of our favorite bloggers to get their thoughts on faith and family. We asked them: What types of devotions do you do together as a family?
Tamika of No Time For Tea Parties:
With the 2 younger kids, we read The Jesus Storybook Bible in both German and English. With our older child we read Jesus Calling for kids. They both work nicely for the whole family. They are interactive and spur curiosity in my kids, and create good times of discussion.
Danika of Thinking Kids:
In addition to reading Scripture together each day, our family chooses a book to read from each morning. Our selections vary widely and cover topics such as biblical stewardship, Christian worldview, Christian history, science from a Christian worldview, and living boldly for Christ. We really enjoy reading aloud together and discussing what we’ve learned. For us, devotions are never a substitute for Scripture, but a fun way to examine our worldview. How does what we believe affect the manner in which we live?
Angi of SchneiderPeeps:
The vast majority of the time, we just pick a book in the Bible and start reading. During Advent and Lent we use a storybook that has a devotion component. We have also been very blessed by the video series, That the World May Know by Ray Vander Laan.
Carlie of So You Call Yourself a Homeschooler?:
We have done all kinds of family devotionals. We choose them depending on what God is leading us to study as a family. Currently we are working through Learning to Speak Life: Fruit of the Spirit. This devotional focuses on families recognizing and speaking positive confessions related to the fruit of the Spirit – and implementing (as a family) practical ways to walk out different fruit of the Spirit. We also do individual studies with each child as they are all at varying places in their walk with God.
Jessica of Gather and Grow:
Since our kids are so young, we don’t do regular devotions but rather read Bible story books and talk about foundational principles of faith in everyday conversation. We followed an Advent guide with my oldest (5) and this was the first year she really got into it. Our kids’ ages have so much to do with how we experience the Bible together. The process will definitely evolve as the kids grow.
Ashley of Life by Ashley Pichea:
We’ve done several different types of family devotions over the years. We’ve read from a children’s Bible storybook, such as The Jesus Storybook Bible. We’ve also spent time just reading from the Word together as a family.
Whitney of Beauty in the Mess:
Our children love reading though The Jesus Storybook Bible, as well as the Big Picture Story Bible. We’ve read through both of those several times. Their attention spans at 4, 3, and 20 months, aren’t long, so we do what we can. Sometimes when they just can’t sit still, we sing.
Leah of As We Walk Along the Road:
I use the One Year Devotional Bible for kids. We have used the Minno videos (especially What’s in the Bible?) as part of our devotions. I often read missions related material to the kids. We’ve recently read about several well-known missionaries.
Chad of Remember The Gospel:
We typically work through Story Bibles, but with our oldest son approaching 7, we’ve started going through the stories accompanied by pictures in his “real” Bible. The edition that we chose for him has stories within the text based on the text, with questions for reading comprehension and application afterwards, and our boys love answering those questions! Simpler, shorter stories from age-appropriate Story Bibles are better for the younger ones, so we alternate, often going over the same story a few times a week from different Story Bibles, and we’ll come up with our own Gospel application and questions.