Walk Your Family Through the Bible: 1 & 2 Samuel

By Jessica Wolstenholm

David has always been the one in the Bible I’ve related to most. Maybe because he’s a person with a passionate heart for God on the inside who is often a mess on the outside. And he’s always so honest about where he finds himself.

When thinking about all of the Biblical characters we are introducing our children to, I’ve most anticipated digging into the life of David. If I had to choose one man in the Bible I’d want my kids (especially my son) to be like, it would be David.

In DVD 5 “Israel Gets A King!”, Phil and friends tell the stories of Israel’s first kings – Saul, David and Solomon – and they ask viewers which king they would choose to be like. Though my children may never be chosen and anointed to be a king of anything, they are chosen still, to love and serve God with their whole heart. I pray they respond to that call as fervently and honestly as king David.

These stories are incredibly engaging and life applicable for our children. My kiddos especially loved the “space movie” reference and cameo appearance of a certain dark lord.

We’ve been gathering here all year and I’ve yet to share details about our monthly What’s in the Bible? Family Movie Night menu. My husband has been enjoying this menu since he was a kid and our children and I have adopted it with joy. It’s simple really.

Our Recipe for a Simple, Healthy Family Movie Night

Popcorn, fruit (such as apples or grapes) and cheese.

Light, healthy and super easy to throw together. We place a picnic blanket in the middle of the living room floor and feast together while learning about the Bible.

What we found in Volume 5, Israel Gets a King!:

Key Concepts:

    • Prophets
    • The Trinity
    • Consequences
    • Wisdom


    • Davidic Covenant


    • Samuel the Prophet
    • King Saul
    • David and Goliath
    • David and Bathsheba
    • King Solomon


As we introduce our family to Israel’s kings in volume 5, here are a few things we are keeping in mind:

    • The trinity is a very complex concept to understand and it’s ok if our kids don’t get it right away. While explaining the idea that God is three persons in one, yet still One, we’ll remind our children that many things about God require great faith – which means even when we don’t get it, we trust that God will help us understand in time as we continue to learn about him.
    • We’ll continue to build upon the conversation of sin, helping our kids understand the differences between the debt of sin and the consequences of our actions. We’ll explain what it means to repent and ask for forgiveness (like David) when we sin.
    • Telling the stories of Israel’s first kings back to back, will help us show our children the difference our response to God can make in our lives. When they sinned or made mistakes, each king responded very differently. Saul made excuses for his actions. David repented and asked for forgiveness. Solomon acted like nothing was wrong. We’ll help them understand which response is best and why.

A few discussion ideas we’ll be using this month:

    • The Holy Spirit – The Spirit is vital to our life as a Christian and we see this in the lives of the Israelites, especially those called by God to do important things. The Holy Spirit is our helper, ready to guide us as we listen for his leading.
    • David and Goliath – Kids have heard the story of David and Goliath many times and in many ways. There is something very powerful about hearing the story in the midst of all that was going on around Israel at the time. This incredible moment occurs towards the beginning of David’s life of trust in God. One would think after slaying a giant like Goliath, David would trust God so deeply that he would never again swerve from God’s path. But we are human, we live in a fallen world and no matter how much we love and trust God, at times we will make mistakes.This story shows the foundation of trust David’s life was built upon. When he came up against trials later on, at times he chose what was right and at times he made mistakes, big mistakes. But when he messed up, his response was always one of humble repentance.
    • Wisdom – With all the information readily available to us today, it’s easy to think we have wisdom at our fingertips. My good friend once said, “You can’t Google wisdom.” I’ve kept this in mind as I’ve navigated motherhood, understanding that information can be helpful but wisdom (which only truly comes from the Lord) is our most important guide. Although King Solomon came to a place of indifference later in his reign, he started out on the right path. He understood that wisdom was the most important possession he could have. He sought wisdom diligently and it was given to him by God. We have the same opportunity to seek and find wisdom for our lives as we follow God.

I’ve heard it said, “Wisdom is knowing what to do with what you know.” We want to establish a habit in our family to stop and seek wisdom (which God gives generously to all who ask for it – James 1:5) before making a decision.

As we continue to discuss Israel’s first kings this month, I pray my children will begin to see the one they should model. He wasn’t perfect but he was a man after God’s own heart.

Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me…Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and uphold me with a willing spirit. Psalm 51:10,12

Have you watched Whats In The Bible? Volume 5 with your family? What are some of the interesting conversations you’ve had as you’ve studied these kings?



Israel Gets A King: 1 & 2nd Samuel

After years of fighting in the Promised Land, the people of Israel ask God again and again for a king to help them in battle. God answers, giving them three kings in a row – Saul, David, and Solomon. How does God use the kings? Find out now!


Old Testament Heroes Devotional and Activity Pack

Learn even more about these 3 kings in the Old Testament Heroes Devotional and Activity Pack!

This printable pack features 25 days of devotionals and 10 new activities including a Kings of Israel crossword puzzle. 

Jessica Wolstenholm is co-founder of Grace for Moms. After 15 years in the music and publishing industries, Jessica came home to be with her two small children. Although the transition from the corporate world to the playground has been an adjustment, she is learning every day to access the grace available to us through Christ as she navigates the full time job of motherhood. She is the co-author of The Pregnancy Companion: A Faith-Filled Guide for Your Journey to Motherhood and The Baby Companion: A Faith-Filled Guide for Your Journey Through Baby’s First Year. Jessica lives in Nolensville, TN with her husband, Dave and two miracle babies, Hope (6) and Joshua (3).