The Garden of Motherhood: A Prayer for Moms

By Editorial Team

Garden - Gardening

For we are God’s masterpiece. He has given us new life in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. adapted from Ephesians 2:10 (NLT)


I spotted my first patch of daffodils on the side of the road yesterday. Daffodils are a sweet reminder of my mom (they were her favorite flower) and they are signs of life, our first glimpse of them often following a long, cold winter.

For months, bulbs are fed and cultivated beneath the surface of the earth, and in due time they return, a reminder that He makes all things new. The cycle continues each year, providing a beautifully surprising glimpse of all we have to look forward to. These flowers that blaze the trail of spring offer us hope of sunshine, green grass, and longer days.

The Work of Motherhood

Perennials also remind me of the work of motherhood. Countless moments of planting, watering, feeding, and tending that often go unnoticed until (hopefully) one day, the fruit of our labor is visible. Our beautiful, blooming children walking in new life with Christ to do the good works He planned for them even before they were a glimmer of hope in our hearts.

I’m often weighed down by this ongoing responsibility. But the constant, regenerating, new life offered in Christ is not just for spring bulbs or my children. And it’s not only available the moment we first accept His gift of salvation. Because of the work of Jesus, I have access to new life in Him each day I get up and begin this beautiful life cycle called motherhood.

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. ‘The Lord is my portion’, says my soul, ‘therefore I will hope in him.’ Lamentations 3:22-24 (ESV)

There are moments of motherhood that seem like the cold, long days of winter. But we have the hope of new life and new mercies each day to continue to plant and water and tend to the work He’s prepared for us to do.

The Sacrifice of Christ

Last month we celebrated Easter, a reminder that Christ laid down His life for all God’s children. I want to remember His sacrifice each and every time I lay my life down for my own children. He gives me new mercies daily as I tend my garden and hope for beauty to rise from the soil, a tangible sign of my ongoing labor of love.

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Dear Jesus,

thank You that because You laid down Your life for me, I have new life each day I wake up and offer my own sacrifice as a mom. Thank You for a family to love and tend to and for new mercies every morning . . . to plant and water and cultivate the garden of my life. I trust that You are working even when I cannot see it. I eagerly await beauty to rise from the soil in Your perfect timing.

In Your Holy Name, I pray . . . Amen.

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As I lay down my life for my children, may I be reminded of how Christ laid down his life for me. inspired by 1 John 3:16