The Benefits of a Homeschool Co-Op

By Jessica Wolstenholm


One of the best gifts that you can give your children is a quality education. The window of opportunity for providing this gift is fairly brief, so making the right decision is paramount.

If weighing your options for schooling your children results in the decision to homeschool, don’t forget about one of the greatest homeschooling resources out there: a homeschool co-op.

How Does the Co-Op Work?

Homeschool co-ops are an indispensable resource that can operate in a number of ways. In its simplest form, a homeschool co-op is a collection of families who choose to homeschool and who meet together in a shared space to conduct their academic activities together.

On a grander scale, homeschool co-ops that are even more developed sometimes hire outside professionals to teach certain skills and subjects. Families tend to pool funds to bring in other qualified individuals to help enrich their children’s homeschooling experience.

Homeschool co-ops can form with a variety of intentions, whether they be a specific set of academic goals, field trips, or other activities. Regardless of its specific structure, homeschool co-ops can be tremendously beneficial to parents and students alike. Here’s why.

How Homeschool Co-Ops Benefit Parents


They weren’t kidding when they said, “Two heads are better than one.”

Part of the tension you may feel as a homeschool parent could be due to a sense of isolation because you are not a part of a traditional schooling network with lots of moving pieces and a longstanding community.

Being a part of a homeschool co-op helps to circumvent those difficulties by providing you with a community of students and parents all with the goal of quality home education.

Collaborating with other parents can offer invaluable emotional support, but it can also be a source for new teaching methods and tips for best practices.

The role of a homeschool parent can be overwhelming. It’s likely that you feel pressure to be an expert in a number of content areas – a tension that is further compounded if you have multiple children with significant age gaps. By joining a homeschool co-op, you can collaborate with other homeschool parents to glean wisdom from others with similar goals.

Shared Responsibility

Being a homeschool parent is certainly a 24/7, 365 job. Since your children are not away at school, chances are high that the margins in your schedule are painfully thin.

Being part of a co-op with other trusted parents may be the key to allowing yourself a little time for other activities (maybe some much-needed self-care) and some flexibility in your personal schedule.

A homeschool co-op might rotate days at different families’ houses giving each family a time of Sabbath. Some may also join together at the same time to re-energize with one another as your kids learn.

Embracing the shared responsibility of a homeschool co-op helps to create the type of community it truly takes to raise a child and can relieve some of the pressure you may feel to “do it all” as a homeschool parent.  

How it Benefits Kids


One of the greatest fears of every homeschool parent is that their children may lack social interaction if they choose to homeschool. The best way to navigate this issue is through a homeschool co-op.

By being in a co-op, your kids reap the benefits of having classmates beyond just their siblings. Social interaction is an important part of child development for a vast number of reasons. It helps with language skills, emotional development, problem-solving skills, empathy, and countless other things.

From a child development standpoint, it’s necessary that your child has other people to interact with so they can flourish. What’s more, socialization through a homeschool co-op can help your child develop lifelong friendships that bring joy and light into their lives.


Obviously, you can’t be an expert in everything. If your child has a desire to learn French and you don’t know anything past oui, you may be in some trouble.

The same goes for extracurricular activities. You can’t teach violin, coach a small soccer team, and instruct a cooking class all at the same time (but if you can, hats off to you).

Joining a homeschool co-op provides your child with more opportunities than you can provide on your own and it may encourage them to try some activities that may not have been an option otherwise.

When your child is older and has a better vision of their personal niche, a homeschool co-op could offer them the resources to focus on their particular interests and giftings, helping them flourish in ways you never imagined.

What to Look for in a Christian Homeschooling Co-Op

Faith-Based Approach

One of the primary reasons families choose to homeschool is to ensure the presence of a faith-based approach to their child’s education.

When you’re looking at joining a homeschool co-op, be sure to vet the groups carefully to ensure that its values align with what you want for your child. If the group is well-established, they may have a mission statement that can serve as a litmus test for whether or not it will be the right fit for your family. If not, be sure to talk with the other members of the group to better understand the co-op’s personal philosophy.

Academic Rigor

Ultimately, the purpose of homeschooling is that your child receives the most appropriate education for their specific needs. When looking into homeschool co-ops, be sure to gauge the academic rigor of the group before joining. Any coursework should be appropriately challenging to help your child grow intellectually and become a lifelong learner.

Seek out a group that will appropriately aid the academic growth of your child and foster intellectual curiosity.

Regardless of how you decide to educate your child, a responsibility of Christian parenting is to ensure that your child receives a high quality and appropriate education. For more on homeschooling, Bible stories for kids, and other resources for Christian families, check out all of Minno’s helpful resources for parents!