Walk Your Family Through The Bible: The Book Of Acts
How can we encourage our children to share the good news of Jesus’ love and power with the world around them?
Back to school is in full swing in our community. We’re officially sending our kiddos out into the world daily to learn and hopefully love and serve those they encounter. Whether we send our kids to school in the neighborhood or educate them at home, parents share a great hope for our children to understand God’s story and spread the good news to others through how they live their lives.
We sat down at the dinner table (the place we do most of our family faith-building) to watch What’s In The Bible? Volume 11 “Spreading the Good News.” The kids enjoyed following the disciples through the book of Acts as they answered God’s call to spread the Good News to Judea, Samaria and the ends of the earth.
What is Spreading the Good News all about?
Key Concepts:
- Science vs. Supernatural
- The Apostles
- The Holy Spirit
- Hope
- Jews and Gentiles
- Christians
- Paul’s Ministry Journeys
- Pentecost
- Peter and John in Jail
- Peter and Cornelius
- Paul’s Conversion
What can we learn from the book of Acts in Spreading the Good News?
The What’s In The Bible? gang start off by sharing a few very important foundational principles that apply to our lives as believers. They teach us that an Apostle is a “sent one” or someone who is sent by God to share the Good News with others. When he appeared to his disciples after his resurrection, Jesus gave them a great commission, instructing them to share the news of his love and rescue plan with the world as they know it. We can encourage our kids that Jesus’ commissioning didn’t end with these Apostles. He also asks us to share the Good News with others.
This can feel like a big task but we don’t have to do it alone. Jesus promised his disciples that they would have a helper, one that is also available to us today. By teaching truth and performing miracles, Jesus planted seeds that gave us glimpses of the kingdom of God. But it’s the Holy Spirit, our helper, who makes the kingdom explode into life as followers of Jesus spread the Good News.
We have a great example of a Holy Spirit led follower of Jesus named Paul. Paul was the perfect person to spread the gospel during his time because of his upbringing, his training and his citizenship. Through his life we are reminded that when God asks us to do something great for him, he will provide everything we need answer the call.
Throughout the book of Acts we see the Apostles persecuted, thrown in jail and sometimes killed for standing up for the truth. Almost two years since the death of my mother, I fought back tears as Phil and friends considered the question, “Why did God save Paul and not the others? Why does God save some people from trouble and not everyone?” Phil’s answer is a hard one for children (and adults) to understand but it’s a key concept in building a faith that lasts.
We don’t exactly know why God allows bad things to happen, but…
A world free from all the bad stuff is exactly what God has planned for us. He wants to bring us into the kingdom of God. When God does save people, he’s giving us a little taste of what is to come.
How can we take the great concepts found in Volume 11 and talk to our kids about these big topics?
Talking to our kids about sharing the Good News and 3 more conversation starters for your family:
1. Being a Follower of Jesus – When we make a decision to follow Jesus, we answer his call to spread the Good News with others. We can do this by preaching and teaching as the Apostles did but more often we do this simply by sharing his love with those around us. How can we show God’s love to our friends, family, and community every day?
2. The Supernatural – Throughout history, scientists have tried to convince people that the Bible isn’t true because it is not supported by science. Science is the study of natural things and God is beyond the natural or “supernatural.” As followers of Jesus, we base our beliefs on faith in a supernatural God. It may not always make sense according to what we understand about science, but we put our faith in God, not in natural things. In what ways does God show us that he’s supernatural?
3. The Holy Spirit, our Helper – When Jesus left the earth after his resurrection, he promised his disciples a helper that would empower them as they spread the Good News. The Holy Spirit is for everyone who follows Jesus, all the time. The same Holy Spirit that filled Peter and the Apostles will fill us when we choose to follow Jesus. The Holy Spirit will help us make good choices and share God’s love with others. How have we seen the Holy Spirit at work in our lives?
4. When Bad Things Happen – Sometimes to show us his love and give us a picture of what is coming, God saves us from bad things. And when he doesn’t heal people or save us from the hard things, our hurt reminds us that we are not there yet. The kingdom of God, although it has started, is not yet fully come. But we have hope; a hope that lives inside of all those who follow Jesus; a hope Jesus asks us to share with the world. What does it mean to follow Jesus and trust that the Kingdom is coming?
Our family has been greatly inspired to live a life that points others to Jesus. The best news is, we don’t have to do it alone or in our own strength. The Holy Spirit is our great helper in living and loving well. We’re excited to continue our journey through the New Testament to learn practical ways our helper will support us in our daily lives.
Have you watched What’s In The Bible? Volume 11 with your family? What have you been learning or discussing about sharing the Good News with others?
Jessica Wolstenholm is co-founder of Grace for Moms. After 15 years in the music and publishing industries, Jessica came home to be with her two small children. Although the transition from the corporate world to the playground has been an adjustment, she is learning every day to access the grace available to us through Christ as she navigates the full time job of motherhood. She is the co-author of The Pregnancy Companion: A Faith-Filled Guide for Your Journey to Motherhood and The Baby Companion: A Faith-Filled Guide for Your Journey Through Baby’s First Year. Jessica lives in Nolensville, TN with her husband, Dave and two miracle babies, Hope (6) and Joshua (3).