JellyTelly is Becoming Minno! A Message from CEO, Erick Goss

By Jessica Wolstenholm


We recently announced that Minno is becoming Minno and I wanted to share a little more about this decision and what it means as we move forward to provide the best platform possible to support your family’s faith and values.

I’ve spoken with hundreds of Christian families over the years and it seems that for most, our children only hear about God at home and at church. Kids are spending so much of their time engaging with media, which is often disconnected from the faith and values we want them to learn. We have felt God leading us to bring on new partners who share our vision of helping parents like us provide a media choice that is compromise-free, and a positive force for helping families experience Jesus. 

Last year, we formed a company called Winsome Truth, Inc. to acquire Minno, along with a group of Christian investors. While my co-founder, Dan Raines, and I had led Minno for much of the last decade, we hadn’t fully realized our vision for what Minno could be for your family. Then, earlier this year, we established a new board for Winsome Truth. The folks on our board are parents, executives, and entrepreneurs who are active in serving their local churches, have helped plant churches, and have been involved in national para-church organizations such as YoungLife, The Navigators, and Intervarsity. They have served in senior roles at companies like Apple, Walmart, and Amazon and have managed and represented entertainment brands such as Steven Curtis Chapman, Third Day, and Ted Dekker.

One of the decisions we made at that first board meeting was to change the name of Minno to something that better represented the resource we felt the Lord asking us to co-create with Him.

We decided on MINNO.

Minno comes from the Greek word, “meno” which means “to abide”. In the Gospel of John (John 15:4), Jesus says “Abide in me and I will abide in you.” Minno reflects our desire to create a service that helps you and your family abide in Christ and with each other. 

The launch of Minno will bring a lot of changes. To get things started, I wanted to answer a couple of the big questions we’ve received.

Is Minno run by the same team?

While our name is changing, our team remains the same. Our team brought Phil Vischer’s Buck Denver Asks…What’s in the Bible? series and curriculum to market, created Five Minute Family Devotionals, and developed the recently released Laugh and Learn Bible for Kids, written by Phil Vischer. The care and intentionality subscribers have experienced on Minno will be the same with Minno.

Will the shows be the same?

All the shows that subscribers love on Minno will remain on Minno. The big change will be a much larger selection of shows and episodes. When Minno launches, we will be doubling our classic VeggieTales episodes, which means we will have more classic VeggieTales episodes than any platform in the world!

Will Minno be available on the same apps?

Yes! The Minno Kids app is available now on iOS and tvOS and there’s a new Minno Kids Roku Channel. We’ll be updating our FAQs when new apps become available. In the meantime, your Minno apps for Android and Amazon will still work as normal. 

We really look at what we are doing as a community effort. We think about what we can do to serve you better every day and realize we wouldn’t have this opportunity without your trust and support. In a world were most media doesn’t share our faith and values, it is easy to become frustrated with our options and uneasy about what our kids watch. We have built Minno to give you a choice for your family that reflects your faith and values. While you have other choices, our hope is that Minno will be a tool and service that helps you and your children know and experience God’s goodness and love.


Erick Goss
CEO and Co-Founder, Minno and Minno