Love Your Neighbor: Family Resources on Racial Injustice

By Jessica Wolstenholm

“And he answered, ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.’” Luke 10:27 (ESV) 

At Minno, we believe we are to be actively engaged in bringing God’s goodness and love to our families, communities, and to the broader world. Racism and other similar injustices are arrayed against God’s best for us as His image-bearers.

Our hearts are heavy as we think about the racial injustice that continues to be present in our country. We’ve been asking ourselves, “How would we feel and respond if this same injustice happened to someone we know personally and love deeply?” And yet, God commands us to love our neighbors as ourselves—those we know and those we don’t.

“Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn.” Romans 12:15 (NIV)

As parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and friends, we have been challenged in how best to address recent injustices and advocate for God’s Kingdom in our families. Below, we have some resources to help you and your family have conversations about racism and what it means to “love your neighbor as yourself”.

“And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” Micah 6:8 (NIV)

While we often think about love in relation to individuals and each other, we believe God calls us to think about what it means to have institutions and organizations that lay “loving others as ourselves” as a foundation and hold being good neighbors as a goal.

You may feel sad and overwhelmed raising kids in today’s culture. But the truth is: your children have been created for such a time as this. (Esther 4:4) You have been given the divine assignment of raising them, but you don’t have to do it alone. As you pray and seek God for wisdom and the right words to lead your kids today, He will meet you right where you are. 

We want to walk alongside you as you seek God in how to raise kids who love their neighbors (both near and far) as themselves. We hope these resources are helpful and can serve as a guide to addressing systemic evil that exists in our society and how the Gospel can serve as a beacon for hope and change in all areas of our lives.

Resources to Help Lead Your Family in Response to Racism and Injustice

Listen in to the full episode of this beautiful and helpful conversation between Dr. Chinwé Williams, Sissy Goff, and David Thomas on the Raising Boys and Girls podcast:

A Helpful Message on Race and Racism

“We have wandered away from a value system that was established by God for how human beings were to live and act and relate to one another. Across racial and class lines we have come up with our own standards and it has not done us good.” Dr. Tony Evans

Listen in as Dr. Tony Evans speaks from his heart about social injustice

Articles on Talking to Kids About Racism

Family Life: Before I Talk to My Kids About Another Black Man’s Death

Common Sense Media: How to Talk with Kids About Racism and Racial Violence

Common Sense Media: Resources about Race and Racism

Black Christian Voices to Follow

Morgan Harper Nichols – artist, poet, podcaster

Dr. Tony Evans – pastor and author

Dr. Chinwe Williams – psychologist, speaker, and author

Jo Saxton – author, speaker, leadership coach, and mom

Dorena Williamson – children’s book author, pastor’s wife, and mom

Carlos Whittaker – author, storyteller, and dad

Kids Books to Spark Conversations

Coretta Scott King Book Award Winner List

Find more helpful books in the show notes of our podcast episode with Dr. Chinwé Williams.

At Minno, we are praying for our families, communities, and the broader world working toward a better future. We will stand together, with our children by our side, and with the hope and trust in the healing power of Jesus.

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A Prayer for Parents

from Liturgies for Parents

Compassionate God,

We ache

With every headline and Tweet

And we wonder

What kind of world are we giving our children?

Merciful God,

We lament

With every hashtag and video

And we wonder

How do we raise children in these times?

Righteous God,

We grieve

With every heartache and loss

And we wonder

Who will our children see their parents be?

In Your compassion, mercy, and righteousness

Lead us to cultivate peace

And create a more beautiful world with and for our children

We pray this in Jesus Christ, our Lord.