Back-to-School Time Capsule Activity Kit

Human behavior - Education

It’s that time of year again—time to head back to school! You may be looking forward to school with lots of excitement, or you may be a little less than thrilled about the idea of backpacks, schoolwork, and school lunches . . . not to mention, wondering what school will look like this year. All of those feelings are completely normal! No matter how you are feeling, though, don’t forget that God will be with you every minute of every day and He wants to use YOU to love and serve others—right now, right where you are!

Speaking of where you are . . . have you ever created a time capsule? You probably remember that a time capsule is a container that holds a bunch of objects that represent a specific point in time. People usually create a time capsule, bury it, then dig it up years later as a reminder of the past.

Do you want to create your own family time capsule to celebrate the start of a new school year? You can bury it or hide it away then revisit it again at the end of the school year!

Create your own family time capsule to celebrate the start of a new school year! Download this fun Minno activity kit and start a new tradition as a family.

Download your kit and get started!

  • Read the family discussion guide together to learn about the story of brave Queen Esther
  • Think about ways God can use YOU—right now, right where you are.
  • Complete the time capsule questionnaire to record your thoughts, feelings, hopes, and dreams for this new school year.
  • Write a letter to yourself that you can read at the end of the year to reflect back on how far you’ve come!

Download our back-to-school Time Capsule Activity Kit for a fun way to commemorate the new year, these back-to-school memory verses, family discussion guide, and more!