Back to School Resources from What’s in the Bible?

By Melanie Rainer

With the back-to-school season fast approaching, we wanted to share a few of our favorite past blog posts to help you prepare your kids for their return to school. Check out these resources!

Four Ways to Encourage a Good Attitude for Starting Back to School

Do your kids resist giving up their summer schedules? Are they nervous about entering the next grade? Here are 4 tips to help encourage a good attitude as the first day of school approaches.

Helping Kids Deal With the Stress of School

God doesn’t want any of His children to stress out about anything! He will provide for all of our needs and it’s up to us to reinforce that comforting truth to our kids, especially during times when they are going through stress.

So Long Summer: Planning a “Not-Back-to-School” Week

Danika shares her family’s approach to the beginning of the school year: a whole week of family bonding before the kids head back to school. She shares how one final hurrah during the summer seems to help her kids prepare for the new year.

What verses encourage your family as the new school year begins, and why?

6 verses for you to meditate on as a family as the new school year approaches!

How do you make the first day of school special for your kids?

Read 7 moms’ best ideas for treating kids on the first day back to school!

How Parents And Kids Can Thrive During The School Year

Heidi shares her number one tip for thriving during the school year.

How to Talk to Your Kids about Gossip

if you desire that your children learn to speak words of love and kindness, like Jesus, about others- and yet they hear you talking about others in a negative way-they will DO AS YOU DO! Let your “little light” shine out from your words and actions. Be an example of Jesus to your children and other adults.

How to Teach Our Kids to Love our Enemies

So, how do we love our enemies? How do we teach our kids that this is something we must do, especially living in such tumultuous times?… Unlike romantic love, which makes it easy for us to overlook faults and put the other person first, Jesus is asking us to make the DECISION to choose to love.

How to Talk to Your Kids about Being Bullied and Not Being the Bully

We must talk to our kids about being the target of hurtful words, and must also be proactive in discussing with them the need to be Christ-like when we talk to and about others.

How to Talk to Your Kids about Prayer, Trusting God, and Letting Go

As adults, it’s sometimes so difficult to let the worry, fear, and control go. But that’s the child-like trust that God wants us to have in Him. God’s Word is my reminder that the Lord is truly my strength. In Him I can take refuge!

How to Talk to Your Kids About Body Image

We need to remember that we are all God’s masterpieces! It’s important to teach our kids that being God’s masterpiece, we must take care of our selves.