13 New Episodes of TuneTime Streaming Now

By Jessica Wolstenholm

If your preschooler doesn’t love TuneTime yet, we have 13 new reasons for you to check out the series – as we just added 13 new episodes to Minno!

TuneTime follow siblings Rachel and Colby as they run their Uncle’s music store for the summer with the help of their new friends, the Tunies. They sing songs, act out Bible stories, and learn all about who God is! To learn more about TuneTime, check out this introductory blog post.

These 13 new episodes cover the following Bible Stories:

  • Episode 14 – Shoes: The Parable of the Lost Sheep (Luke 15:1-7; Matthew 18:12-14)
  • Episode 15 – Dance: Feeding of the 5000 (Matthew 15:32-48)
  • Episode 16 – Camping: Daniel and the Lion’s Den (Daniel 6)
  • Episode 17 – Boxes: Gideon and the Midianites (Judges 6:11-8:28)
  • Episode 18 – Cat: The Raising of Lazarus (John 11:1-44)
  • Episode 19 – Paint: Esther (Esther 2:15-8:17)
  • Episode 20 – Cake: The Good Samaritan (Luke 10:30-37)
  • Episode 21 – Voice: Paul’s Shipwreck (Acts 27:1-44)
  • Episode 22 – Mail: Zacchaeus the Tax Collector (Luke 19:1-10)
  • Episode 23 – Sing: Mary is Chosen to be the Mother of Jesus (Luke 1:26-2:7)
  • Episode 24 – Kazoo: Crossing the Red Sea (Exodus 14:1-30)
  • Episode 25 – Storm: Jesus Calms the Storm (Mark 4:35)
  • Episode 26 – Stuck: Paul and Silas in Prison (Acts 16:20-32)

And through these Bible stories, the TuneTime gang learns truths like:

  • God Loves Us
  • God is Good
  • God Made Us Special
  • Jesus is Awesome

We hope you check out TuneTime on Minno today – your first week is free!