Believe: The Gathering


Rocky takes us back to the day the flock first believed in this amazing dove who would change their lives forever.

Believe: Believing Is Seeing


Luke is a blind finch and unable to fly without sight. He seeks out Iesodo who heals him and shows him what’s important.

Love: Birds of a Feather, Fish Together


Jack and Jacob learn to set aside their squabbles and work together in order to catch fish for an upcoming wedding.

Love: Love Your Enemies


Even after Zach the tax collector comes to visit and takes more than his share, Iesodo shows his flock that anyone is capable of changing.

Faith: Miracles Are Everywhere


The flock attend a great event whereat thousands of birds are assembled. Iesodo miraculously provides food for all.

Faith: The Wind


The flock is trapped at sea during a terrible storm. Iesodo comes to their aid and demonstrates his power.

Joy: For Unto Us A Dove Is Born


The flock is excited and prepares for Iesodo’s birthday, and Rocky recounts the story of Iesodo’s special birth.

Forgiveness: The Good, the Bad, and the Vulture


Iesodo and Maggie venture deep into the dark forest to help the feared Devon the Vulture turn from his evil ways.

Forgiveness: Forgive and Forget


Tom made a big mistake when he lost Barry’s glasses! Now, feathers are ruffled between these friends.

Kindness: The Greatest is the Least


Sisters Mary and Martha prepare a feast. In the midst of the preparations, Iesodo instructs on serving others.

Kindness: The Good Pigeon


Unwelcome pigeons have arrived and the flock is upset. Iesodo shares the story of The Good Pigeon who aids another bird.

Hope: Faith Takes Flight


A brave group of woodpeckers are on a mission! They take a daring trip to see Iesodo as he shares the good news.

Hope: Hope For The Future


Birds everywhere are being helped by Iesodo who ministers to those in need. Barry takes the Good News to new followers.

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